Fires Fireworks!

Been trying to load this video to Facebook with no success too big, too long, slow internet – who knows?! So solution  was to open a Tea and Toast YouTube channel and link it here for posterity.

Simples. I wish it was! It is just a short, fifteen minutes, of whizz bangs and explosions, clouds of smoke and shiny bright traces in the night sky. Anyone would think it was Ben Hura and that came in at a whopping 3hr 34mins although, Interstellar, which I watched here at the Ocine was a looooonnnggg 2hrs 49min of complicated back and forthing between dimensions until your brain hurt but it did have Matthew McConaughy in so some saving grace there. I call him Matthew Mahogany because he always seems ripped and tanned that funny shade of pine but I digress. It took forever to upload my MP4 to Youtube, I am impatient too so that doesn’t help.

Every year the Fires de Sant Narcis starts with the cannon fire and fireworks in Placa de Vi on the last Friday of October, followed by the Carre Foc on the Saturday, then we have the Castellers human towers, the funfair in Devesa, the street markets and street food, the concerts and the Baraques in Devesa. Thousands upon thousands of visitors come to the city from all over. The final weekend its more music and mayhem culiminating in this spectacular firework display. 

We are lucky enough to live overlooking the city and have a spectacular view of the event from our bedroom balcony, so we sit there oohing and aahing to the explosive display. I tried to keep the oohing and aahing to a minimum because to be honest it just sounds like heavy breathing, ha ha ha. Hope you enjoyed this and if you feel like joining us one year do shout!

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