Reduce, reuse, recycle

0a6As anyone who knows me will tell you I do like upcycling, taking something that others might throw away and transforming it into something useful and beautiful. I don’t go around banging the save our planet drum so much but it does do us good to remember from time to time that every little bit helps. I’ve always been a make do and mend kind of gal. Partly, when I was younger with hungry mouths to feed, a roof to keep over our heads and clothes to buy for boys that grew faster than grass, to save money and then later just because it felt like a good and right thing to do. Our generation was eco friendly before they invented the concept, make do and mend was our motto.  Of course I buy new when I need to but nothing is more satisfying then taking an old piece of furniture and breathing new life into it with a lick of paint or a new fabric covering. 0a5

As it says in my bio I collect all sorts of stuff, rarely throw things away because eventually they will be used for something else. I love shopping at recycling places like Scrap in Farsley, trawling charity shops and visiting brocanters markets. Today’s creations are made from recycled tin cans, painted with left over grey chalk paint, scraps of hessian, broderie anglaise, ribbon and twine.They are each going to be filled with a plant, I haven’t decided what yet but something cheerful to brighten a winters day.0a7

Just think you treat yourself to one of these and you can have a cheery flower bobbing its head to you over your morning coffee and you’ll be helping to save the planet by buying something recycled and made with love.  Come and #reduce #reuse #recycle at my tea and toast stall at the Christmas Fair on 17 November in La Sala, Corca (look for the signposts its just off the C66)

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